12:06 PM (3/11/23):
"Interesting video, regarding proportionalities of intelligence... amongst contrasting species (of organisms)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:03 PM (3/11/23):
"Catchy song, as a person enters a vehicle... to play videogames... This generation of consoles, seem quite fancy..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:00 PM (3/11/23):
"Very advanced, Bentley vehicle... The female inspecting such, seems to be 'marking' her territory..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:25 AM (3/10/23):
What Really Happens When We Fast? - YouTube (0:00-1:11 & 10:05-10:12)
"Interesting video, regarding the implications of fasting... From 0:00-1:11, it was mentioned how growth hormone has 'anti-aging' effects... which may relate, to the principle of 'asymptotic aging'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
There likely is a correlation, between enhanced dietary efficiency... and longevity...

10:46 AM (3/10/23):
"Imagine attempting to learn advanced subject material, in a language... based off a different alphabet, than the one... you are accustomed to..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

10:43 AM (3/10/23):
Bo (@bo.the.hobbit) | TikTok
"Interesting video, in which a female apparently views her cat... as one of her offspring (that she attests, is not going to college)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Interesting narration, by pastor T.D. Jakes... which feels as though he is giving studying advice, to a disenfranchised group..."- Michael Izuchukwu 

10:29 AM (3/10/23):
"The challenge of certain matters, in life... can be mitigated/lessened, if one has sufficient guidance from one's parents... At the very least, such may serve as a catalyst... for certain milestones..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Life is a test, to see what is done... with the given time... To consider that a tree was once a seed, may be a sign that one is assessing whether one has lived one's life... intrinsically..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"27 years ago, to this date... on 8/7/95, the triple jump world record... of 18.29 meters (60'0.25") was set..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Christian Taylor wins Triple jump Gold Final 18.21 m World Athletics Championships BEIJING 2015 - YouTube (in 2015, Christian Taylor triple jump 18.21 meters - 59'8," at the 2015 World Championships, in Beijing, China... which is 9 centimeters (3.54331 inches) shy, of eclipsing the triple jump world record... Perhaps he had an 'ideal' form, then... given that a certain 'power-weight' ratio (along with technique)... is necesary, to achieve a certain distance)
"In 1999, when I was in the 5th grade... I developed a passion for the triple jump (I had begun track and field in the 4th grade, but did not try the event... until then, at age 10)... I recall having been able to triple jump 29-32 feet on legal jumps, at that time... but I used to 'scratch' a lot (step over the board, beyond that which is allowed)... Thus, I have been aware of the world record... for 23 years, given that such was set '4' years... before I learned of this 'sporting event'...
...ultimately, I did set my high school record in the triple jump... at 47'3" (14.40 meters)... in 2008...
...and had an 'unratified/unoffical 53" jump, at a 2016 meet... at the Ocean Breeze Athletic complex, in Staten Island, NY... when competing unattached, in the Fall..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Lafayette (Wildwood) HS Track Records (athletic.net) (https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/SchoolRecords.aspx?SchoolID=11740)
(lunch, as of 11:11 AM today - 8/7/22)

10:28 AM (8/7/22):
(peaceful music in this video)
(interesting trailer... at first, I thought was some type of 'body snatcher' movie)
(I recall watching this scene for the first time, at the movie theatres... when at Rice University, in 2010)
(an excellent portrayal of Steve Jobs, by Michael Fassbender)

8:20 AM (8/7/22):
(some scrambled eggs, from 6:34 AM... today - 8/7/22)

7:42 AM (8/7/22): 
"I remember that my dad once got a holographic 'Charizard' when 'Pokemon cards' were popular... In elementary school, he had bought a pack... for himself, and I recall trying to trade my 'Blastoise' for his (but he declined)... I had happened to get such, after trading my Gyarados... at a Burger King gathering, for Pokemon card traders...
...I wonder what happened to all my dad's Pokemon cards, given he had kept them in a drawer... of his office's 'large desk'... at my former home, in the Pine Creek subdivision (in Chesterfield, MO)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


MICHAEL JORDAN | Before They Were Famous | BIOGRAPHY - YouTube

7:14 AM (8/7/22): "Interesting 'Michael Jordan' commentary... It's always interesting to note the progression of an individual, from childhood... to adulthood..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24
10:24 PM (8/6/22): "One ought to think about the implications of this biblical verse, for there are several... Such may pertain to spacetime, aside from matters of the spirit, mind and body... When too many constraints are upon an individual, he/she is not able to entertain the things which may be necessary... to make the progress that this passage, alludes to (matters of the spirit, as opposed to the world... for instance)...
...a human is like a vector (with magnitude and direction)... and one could think of oneself, as moving through life... amplifying such, as though building a charge... Jesus Christ surely contemplated the aforementioned, prior to His eventual transition to a 'spiritual entity'... in the aftermath, of His Crucifixion... via His Resurrection, 3 days later..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven… but only he who does the will of my Father…” – Matthew 7:21 (according to Jesus Christ)


3:58 PM (8/6/22): "I went to the NJ Gourmet buffet (in East Orange, NJ), a bit before 3 PM... today... and I acquired a meal, for $12.80... I noticed that the pricing (of the 'same order')... has steadily increased, over the past months... from $9.59, to $9.60, $10.13, $10.15... and today was $12.80, only because I asked for extra 'chicken & broccoli'... given that the amount which was initially portioned, was a subset... of what could be considered standard (in relation to the prior visitations)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(early dinner, as of 3:01 PM... on 8/6/22)

4:16 PM (8/6/22):
"I had gone to Chipotle, in Newark, NJ... 3 days in a row (7/28/22 to 7/30/22), and bought a chicken burrito bowl there (each time, such was $9.54)...
...I am a man of 'my word'... in the context of having principles, and a tendency to rectify situations... which may be potentially of inequity..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(water bottle delivery, by my roommate's mom... for him, as of 4:20 PM... today - 8/6/22
...such is something that my mom does, for my middle brother... JJ/John Jr.)
5:14 PM (8/6/22): "I noticed that on the alternative phone, I recently acquired... I had 160 photos/videos... and each of the water containers, in the 'above photo'... contains 40 bottles (a total of 160, shown)... I find that interesting, in the context of the following quote... from the 2009 film 'Watchmen'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“My father was a watch maker. He abandoned it when Einstein discovered time is relative. I would only agree that a symbolic clock is as nourishing to the intellect, as a photograph of oxygen… to a drowning man…” – Jon Osterman (Dr. Manhattan)


3:03 PM (2/7/22): "I got off the phone with my mom, not too long ago... Whenever we converse, she always gives non sequitur responses... to what I have to say..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:33 PM (2/7/22): “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt… and where thieves break through and steal… but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through… nor steal… …For where your treasure is, there will your heart be... also….” - Matthew 6:19-21 (according to Jesus Christ)

3:38 PM (2/7/22): "A house is not a home; a house is built with walls and beams, while a home is made with love... and dreams... The distinction is vital, in realizing the implications of Jesus Christ's teachings... regarding matters of the afterlife (spirit), and those of the world (material)... Jesus's ability to make great reconciliations, is what set Him apart... from most prophets or theologians..." - Michael Izuchukwu


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