(University City, MO - morning of 7/24/20)
"Words are the means, to meaning... ...and for those who will listen... ...the enunciation, of truth..." - V ('V for Vendetta' movie)

2:21 PM (9/12/24):
I recall watching this movie [We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story (1993)], when I was basically '4' years old (regarding, the following scene)... Even though such is rated 'G (general audiences)'... ...something about such (regarding thematic elements, and 'the music'), gave me an 'adrenaline rush [then, and now (surprisingly)]'... ...which is suggestive, of PG-13 movies... ...In retrospect, and in 'terms of relativity [I probably thought this scene, was aligned with a PG-13 movie... ...when, I had been 4 years old (and living, in Massachusetts - prior, to moving... to Ohio)]':
I couldn't find the 'whole film,' via YouTube... ...although, I noticed... ...that many YouTube movies, are now available for viewing... ...via, that site...

2:38 PM (9/12/24):
Me on the phone, at age '3' - in Framingham, Massachusetts

"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... will never enter, the Kingdom... of Heaven'..." - Matthew 18:3
2:53 PM (9/12/24):
I think this bible verse, was Jesus Christ's way of pinpointing... ...that one must retain certain aspects or qualities, that he/she had... a child... ...over the elapsing, of time... order, to be 'viewed favorably'... God.
In other words, one must be able 'to relate'... one's former self... one gets older... a means, of authenticating... ...the 'vitality... of one's spirit and/or soul'... ...on Judgment Day...
When we are 'very young,' we tend... to have 'great innocence'...

2:58 PM (9/12/24):
In some sense, if my dad did not exist (in the context, of providing 'sufficient' support... ...for the cultivation, of my spirit, mind and body)... ...then my former self, is like... 'own son'... ...particularly, if it's questionable... ...whether my dad and I, are 'biologically related'... the context, of our respective... lifestyle choices... ...and phenotypical dispositions...

3:46 PM (9/12/24):
An estimation of mine, is that when God the Father or God the Son ('Jesus Christ') views a human... the context, of 'higher spatial dimensional reality'... ...either of them, likely views humans... the context, of '5' variations/stages:
Infant, child, teenager/adolescent, adult and old man/woman...
Theoretically, the lesser of these stages... ...that one experiences... relation, to the length of time... has been, on Earth... ...accounts, for the magnitude... ...of the 'character'... ...affiliated, with one's biological age... relation, to one's chronological age (and 'spacetime age')...
There likely is something, beyond 'spacetime age'... ...which I would call, 'spatial dimension reality age'...
3:51 PM (9/12/24):

12:12 PM (9/12/24):
Alcira Moz ('Jaszy') turned 41 years old, today (9/12/24)... I met her in January 2011 (for the first time), in Houston, TX (between 1/7/11 and 1/10/11)... ...She had told me: 
a. that she was God (but at the time, I interpreted this... as 'God may have been speaking... ...through her') 
b. that the number of God's people, will be 'one four one one'... ...which could be inferred, to be '1411' or '41'... 
c. that 'in the future,' there will be a new Earth... and an old Earth... ...the former, populated by 'God's people'... ...while the latter, for those... who are 'left behind'... ...after the Rapture...
I believe I found her testimony, interesting... ...given that I am a highly spiritual person, and I am inclined to believe... ...that one, seeking to transcend his/her reality... ...would likely, have to have a role-playing... video game-like approach... such...

12:19 PM (9/12/24):

Facebook snapshot, from 1:59 PM... on 9/12/24

9:38 AM (9/12/24):
As of 9:34 AM on 9/12/24, I had the following idea (after going to Walgreens, to get 'breakfast' supplementation):
Pick a country in the world, other than the one… …you were born in… …and in the context, of those… …in your age group (and your status quo/circumstances, in life)… …you can more effectively gauge, what your success level in such… …is like.
Assuredly, in the eyes of God… …genuine success, is 'universally understood'... 
...Each person has certain attributes, that he/she should work with... ...for the realization, of his/her potential; the playing field, is often skewed (some people are born, with 'silver spoons'... their mouths, while others... ...have gold spoons, or none... all)... ...but there are many variables, which account... ...for how well, the game... played...

7:32 PM (9/11/24):
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration…” – Nikola Tesla
7:37 PM (9/11/24):
Every human being, has a certain vector (magnitude and direction)... ...which propels him/her forward, in life. This vector, is refined by the interplay... of one's spirit, mind and body... ...and often, denotes... ...whether one achieves success, in life... ...Success is subjective, but often is correlated... a spectrum, regarding elusive value... intrinsic value... 
...That which has intrinsic value, tends to withstand... ...the test, of time... ...while that, which has elusive value... ...'is fleeting'...

7:23 PM (9/11/24): 
Those who chase money, often do so… …via exchanging their vitality, for currency… This could be likened, to an extension… …of the scene, in the 1997 movie 'Hercules'… …where Hercules jumps into a river of souls, to save 'Megara'…
For instance, imagine the shore is 'an origin'… …and on the horizon of 'this particular ocean (1 mile away),' is a floating suitcase (filled with a gift card-based debit card, that is loaded with $40,000,000)… … 'of cash'… This scenario implies, that if '2' adolescents (each 20 years old)… …swim after, the suitcase… …such will take time. Nevertheless, this is an 'unordinary ocean'… …and every 100 meters, that they swim… …2 years of life, is zapped away…
The implication of 'the above,' is that by the time that the swimmers… return to the shore (with the suitcase)… …they will be 84 years old…
Do you think, the money… …is worth, the swim…?
SEE 1:43-2:01, of: Hercules Saves Megara Scene - YouTube (1:43-2:01)



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